


Toen ik je tekst las,rolde er een klein traantje over mijn wangen,wat weet ik nog goed hoe ik jullie verdriet zag toen…maar dat traantje werd snel wegeveegd toen ik las hoe trots jullie wel zijn op Finn en hoe goed hij het wel doet…een super mama en super papa zijn jullie en jullie mogen terecht fier zijn op dappere Finn…dikke kus en knuffel!!!Hij komt er…zowiezo <3

13 - 10 - 2016



Os recomendaría entonces ver “El lado oscuro del corazón” Una joyita argentina con textos de Mario Benedetti, Juan Gelman y Oliverio Girondo!Al protagonista le sucede lo mismo en su lucha para encontrar ese algo especial que le llene, que le haga, como él dice, VOLAR…

13 - 10 - 2016



I’ve been to Tybee several times and don’t know where the house is. My daughter and I are huge fans of the movie The Last Song and would really like to see it. The movie touches me in a special way because I watched shortly after watching my own father pass away from canser. If you have an address or directions, it would mean the world to me to see the house with my daughter on my last summer in Georgia. Thank you for your time.

12 - 10 - 2016



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Posted on “When the heart weeps for what it has lost / the siript laughs for what it has found.”Sufi ProverbRick, hadn’t listened to this post until today. I’ve been meditating on themes of “letting go” over the past month or so. Some great analogies about letting go to make room for something more beautiful…like the caterpillar that must give up the life it knows (did you know a caterpillar can actually delay the cocoon for a year?), enter the cocoon (time of transformation, waiting) and then emerge transformed.I want to be a butterfly…not a chuncky monkey!

12 - 10 - 2016



Hi, I enjoyed reading your blog post. (Your previous ones are entertaining, as well.) If you need any more spec commercial ideas, my site has hundreds from creatives at top agencies. You can also read some good interviews about breaking into commercial directing. Good luck with your opportunity.

12 - 10 - 2016

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